Insert Lighting Power Density number in one field below: Watts/sf equals Watts/m2 The result is rounded to two decimal digits
Insert EUI (Energy Unit Intensity) or EEI (Energy Efficiency Index) number in one field below: kBtu/sf equals kWh/m2 The result is rounded to single decimal digit
During designing buildings, architects and engineers usually do climate analysis as one of their initial steps. To conduct climate analysis, they utilize weather data analysis and visualization software such as Climate Consultant and DView. Although the software is free, the visualization options are limited and there is no interactive option once the visualization graphics are […]
Green building is often perceived as a building that has photovoltaic system, recycled content materials and waterless urinals. However, that perception is definitely discussing a partial portion of the green building understanding. The green building shall be perceived not only as a sustainable building, but also as a high performance building. This paper will discuss […]